Home > EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & PLANT SAFETY > Sorbents & Spill Kits > Superior Sorbents® Spill Containment Kits > Drum Style Spill Kits > Superior Sorbents® Hazmat Drum Style Spill Kits

Superior Sorbents® Hazmat Drum Style Spill Kits

Superior Sorbents® Hazmat Drum Style Spill Kits come in 5, 20, 30 and 55-gallon options and contain everything needed to manage spills of any type. Superior Sorbents' Pro-Plus line of universal drum kits also come with loose absorbent as well more pillows, socks and booms than the standard option.

Superior Sorbents® Standard Hazmat Drum Spill Kits Superior Sorbents® Pro-Plus Hazmat Drum Spill Kits
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